Monday, October 27, 2008

Your brand is not your logo

Looking at the above picture we could say that smart marketers definitely understood that a new logo can't increase market share. Also that the cheap logo can't be defeated by the expensive one. Thy also realize that the logo is like a first name, it's an identifier.

So, when Pepsi and BestBuy start 'testing' logos, and proclaiming that a new logo might change their market share, that definitely not going to work. Logo is the first identity. It's like a name. It obviously depends on how the new change has been done. Our eyes are so use to looking at the old things that may be we don't want to see something that is just changed little bit here and there. It's a visual perception that's set. Unless its changed in very expressive way that's going to surprise people or gonna get WOW effect in front of their eyes than yeah I think it would work.

But looking at the image above its going to go all in vain.
The punchline is: take the time and money and effort you'd put into an expensive logo and put them into creating a product and experience and story that people remember instead.


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